Last seen: Mar 10, 2022
(i) Cl2 + H2O → HCl + HOCl (Hypochlorous acid) (ii) 2F2(g) + 2H2O → 4H+ + 4F- + O2 + 4HF(aq)
Almost all halogens are coloured. This is because halogens absorb radiations in the visible region. This results in the excitation of valence electron...
Uses of ClO2: (i) It is used for purifying water. (ii) It is used as a bleaching agent.
Both chlorine and oxygen have almost the same electronegativity values, but chlorine rarely forms hydrogen bonding. This is because in comparison to c...
Fluorine forms only one oxoacid i.e., HOF because of its high electronegativity and small size.
The general electronic configuration of halogens is np5, where n = 2-6. Thus, halogens need only one more electron to complete their octet and to atta...
Sulphur dioxide causes harm to the environment in many ways: 1. It combines with water vapour present in the atmosphere to form sulphuric acid. Thi...
Sulphuric acid is manufactured by the contact process. It involves the following steps: Step (i): Sulphur or sulphide ores are burnt in air to f...
Freons or chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are aerosols that accelerate the depletion of ozone. In the presence of ultraviolet radiations, molecules of CFCs...
Stability of an ionic compound depends on its lattice energy. More the lattice energy of a compound, more stable it will be. Lattice energy is dire...
Oxygen is smaller in size as compared to sulphur. Due to its smaller size, it can effectively form pπ - pπ bonds and form O2(O==O) molecule. Also, the...
The elements of group 16 are collectively called chalcogens. (i) Elements of group 16 have six valence electrons each. The general electronic config...
PCl5 can only act as an oxidizing agent. The highest oxidation state that P can show is +5. In PCl5, phosphorus is in its highest oxidation state (+5)...
On heating, orthophosphorus acid (H3PO3) disproportionates to give orthophosphoric acid (H3PO4) and phosphine (PH3). The oxidation states of P in vari...
Catenation is much more common in phosphorous compounds than in nitrogen compounds. This is because of the relative weakness of the N-N single bond as...
White phosphorus: It is a soft and waxy solid. It possesses a garlic smell. It is poisonous. It is insoluble in water but soluble in carbon disu...
Nitrogen owing to its small size has a tendency to form pπ - pπ multiple bonds with itself. Nitrogen thus forms a very stable diatomic molecule, N2. O...
NH3 is distinctly basic while BiH3 is feebly basic. Nitrogen has a small size due to which the lone pair of electrons is concentrated in a small re...
N(unlike P) lacks the d-orbital. This restricts nitrogen to expand its coordination number beyond four. Hence, R3N = O does not exist.
Hydride NH3 PH3 AsH3 SbH3 H-M-H angle 107° 92° 91° 90° The above trend in the H-M-H bond angle can be explained on the basis of the electronegati...