Last seen: Dec 29, 2021
The community established at the terminal stage of succession, is called climax community.
The entire sequence of communities, that successively change in a given area resulting in a climax community, is called a sere.
Ecological succession is a community controlled phenomenon, in which the structure and composition of communities change in an orderly and sequential ...
Measurement of biomass in terms of dry weight is more accurate because it avoids variations in weights due to seasonal moisture differences.
Biomass is the mass of living organisms or organic matter. Standing crop is measured in terms of biomass.
Standing crop is measured as (i) biomass, i.e. mass of living organisms in an unit area. (ii) number of organisms in an unit area.
Standing crop of a trophic level represents the amount of living matter (biomass) present at a trophic level at a given time.
When man eats plant food, he is primary consumer. When he eats meat (animal food), he is a secondary consumer.
He occupies third tropic level, i.e., he is a secondary consumer.
Their feeding relationship with other organisms.
Cockroaches and crows.
It is made up of decomposers, i.e. some bacteria and some fungi. They meet their energy and nutrient requirements by degrading the dead organic matt...
Primary carnivores are the secondary consumers, which depend on the herbivores (primary consumers) for their food needs.
The part of the solar radiation which can be absorbed and used by the plants for photosynthesis, is called photosynthetically active radiation (PAR).
Earthworms ingest and breakdown the detritus into smaller particles; hence they are called detritivores.
Temperature and soil moisture are the two climatic factors that regulate decomposition.
A considerable amount of gross primary productivity is used by the plants in respiration; so not all primary productivity is available for consumers.
Herbivores are the primary consumers; the rate of assimilation or formation of new biomass at the consumer level is secondary productivity.
Oceans contribute about 55 billion tons organic matter.
170 billion tons of (dry weight) organic matter.