Last seen: Jan 25, 2021
1. He intends to marry a woman doctor who has plenty of money and a good medical practice. He wishes to have a fat wife so that she cannot run after h...
1. The doctor is a poor man. He does not have much money. His house has no electricity. It is a small rented room which has many rats. He has about si...
The doctor thought that he had a good smile when he first smiled. But when he smiled a little later, he laughed at his destiny. His life was in danger...
The doctor took the following two ‘important’ and ‘earth shaking’ decisions: (a) He would shave daily and grow a thin moustache to look more handsom...
The doctor heard the sound of rats. The sound was a familiar one. He heard this sound four times. The phrases are ‘Again I heard that sound from above...
The poem focuses on Innisfree as a place of escape for the speaker. The speaker describes Innisfree as a simple, natural environment where he will bui...
Throughout the poem, Yeats uses a variety of imaginative phrases to capture the essence of the lake Isle. He brings the island to life by referring to...
The thing that the poet finds so attractive about Lake Isle of Innisfree is its promise of peace. The poet, then, long for this place which affords ...
The poem has a very calm arid relaxing tone. The reader may picture a person physically going to this place called Innisfree but the narrator of the p...
A major theme in “The Lake Isle of Innisfree”, is nature versus civilization. What we value in life is often the exact opposite of what civilization b...
The poet does not like the city life. The pavements are dull and grey. There is chaos all around. But there is nature’s beauty all around in Innisfree...
The poet wants to go Innisfree in search of peace. He does not like the noisy place as London is. He wants to live in a place which. The poet craves f...
The Lake Isle of Innisfree by W. B. Yeats vividly describes an island in the lake of Innisfree. The island is an incredibly peaceful place. The island...
1. The poet is W. B. Yeats. 2. The place which the poet is referring to in the above lines is the Lake Isle of Innisfree. 3. The poet is looking f...
1. Two things that the poet wants to do when he goes back to lnnisfree are : (a) Build a small cabin of clay and wattles. (b) Have nine bean rows ...
1. The poet wishes to build a small cabin at lnnisfree to be made with sticks and clay. 2. lnnisfree symbolises a place of peace and tranquility. ...
1. abab. 2. The stanza suggests that the poet loves to be in the lap of nature. 3. Cricket’s song, the evening when linnets are flying, a bright m...
1. The poet saw dewdrops which seemed to be dropping peace. 2. The poet heard the song of the crickets. 3. Glimmer.
1. Poem : The Lake Isle of Innisfree.Poet: W.B. Yeats. 2. “It” refers to the lake water. 3. Deepness / Depth.
1. ‘There’ in the above lines refer to Lake Isle of Innisfree. 2. Peace enters the huts of peasants through the morning dew drops. 3. Metaphor.