Last seen: Jan 25, 2021
The old lady was a greedy woman. She had no desire to share her things with others. Once Saint Peter was tired and hungry. He arrived at her cottage t...
Saint Peter was a holy man. He used to preach people. For his preaching he often made long journey. During the course of his journey, sometimes, he di...
Earth-hearth, done-one, lay-away, another-over, flat-that, faint-saint, form- worm, food-wood, same-flame.
The poem is a story of an old woman. She is asked by Saint Peter for alms who has become weak because of fasting and travelling. But her greed forces ...
A legend is a story from ancient times about people and events. The title of the poem tells that it is a legend. The poet himself says that ‘I don’t b...
No, it is an imaginative story. It is a legend. The third stanza of the poem is very important.
No, she would not have done this. On the contrary, she would have given him a large piece of cake to make him happy with the greed to get a handsome r...
The woodpecker bores the hard and dry wood to get its food.
He cursed her and made her a woodpecker.
Saint Peter asked the old lady for a piece of cake. The lady behaved miserly and kept decreasing the size of the cake. At last she did not give him an...
It is a country in the north where days are short and nights are long.
Our life is definitely in the hands of God. He is fire supreme power in control of our lives. At times we forget this like the young doctor. He was un...
The doctor was so engrossed in his day dreaming that he did not realize that a snake had wriggled over the back of the chair and landed on his shoulde...
The story revolves round the narrator, the snake, and the mirror. The narrator hears some familiar sounds – a dull thud and a snake lands on his shoul...
The doctor and the snake had striking similarities. Both were victims of self-adoration. This is clearly visible in two decisions of the doctor- to sh...
The story would lose its charm and reality without the mirror because it fascinates both the characters i.e., doctor and the snake. The doctor makes t...
Yes, the story supports the saying which means that the people of similar habits and tastes find each other. The doctor enjoyed self-appreciation and ...
The doctor was under the grip of the snake, and sat motionless as a statue, his body was inactive but mind was completely active. He knew very well th...
The snake left the doctor’s arm because it saw its reflection in the mirror and was fascinated by it and so wanted to enjoy its own reflection by havi...
The author of "The Snake and the Mirror" fantasizes a fat woman as his wife since she would never be able to catch the doctor on his mistakes. She wou...