Write the functions of parenchyma, collenchyma and sclerenchyma.
16/11/2021 5:46 pm
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Write the functions of parenchyma, collenchyma and sclerenchyma.
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16/11/2021 5:49 pm
Functions of parenchyma:
- The main function of parenchyma is to store and assimilate food. Hence, they are referred to as food storage tissues.
- Serves as a packing tissue to fill the spaces between other tissues and maintain the shape and firmness of the plant.
- Stores waste products of plants.
Functions of collenchyma:
- A mechanical tissue and provides mechanical support and elasticity to the stems of dicot plants.
- Cells possess chloroplast, then it is involved in manufacturing sugar and starch.
- Provides tensile strength and flexibility to the plant body.
Function of sclerenchyma:
- provides mechanical strength to the plant.
- makes the plant body rigid, flexible, and elastic.
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