Give four important functions of epithelial tissue. Name one specific place in the body where each function is carried out.
16/11/2021 6:15 pm
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Give four important functions of epithelial tissue. Name one specific place in the body where each function is carried out.
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1 Answer
16/11/2021 6:17 pm
Functions of epithelial tissue:
- The cells of the body surface (i.e., epidermis) form the outer layer of skin. These cells protect the underlying cells from drying, injury, and chemical effects. They also protect the body from viral or bacterial infection.
- Inside the body, epithelial cells form lining of mouth and alimentary canal and protect these organs.
- Epithelial tissues help in absorption of water and nutrients.
- Epithelial tissues help in elimination of waste products.
- Some epithelial tissues perform secretory function. They secrete a variety of substances such as sweat, saliva (mucus), enzymes, etc.
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