Enlist three types of muscles with their locations.
16/11/2021 6:18 pm
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Enlist three types of muscles with their locations.
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16/11/2021 6:19 pm
Following are the three types of muscles:
Striated muscles: They are located in the limbs, body wall, face, neck, etc. They also form in tongue, pharynx, diaphragm, and upper part of oesophagus as visceral striated muscles
Smooth muscles are found in the walls of the hollow (tubular) visceral organs except that of the heart, and so are called visceral muscles. Thus, they occur in the wall of alimentary canal and internal organs, ducts of glands, urogenital ducts and blood vessels. Smooth muscles are found in stomach, intestine, ureter, bronchi, iris of eye, etc.
Cardiac muscles: They are located in the walls of the heart.
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