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In an irreversible process taking place at constant T and P and in which only pressure-volume work is being done, the change in Gibbs free energy (dG) and change in entropy (dS), satisfy the criteria
03/10/2021 11:27 am
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In an irreversible process taking place at constant T and P and in which only pressure-volume work is being done, the change in Gibbs free energy (dG) and change in entropy (dS), satisfy the criteria
(a) (ΔS)V, E > 0, (ΔG)T, P < 0
(b) (ΔS)V, E = 0, (ΔG)T, P = 0
(c) (ΔS)V, E = 0, (ΔG)T, P > 0
(d) (ΔS)V, E < 0, (ΔG)T, P < 0
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1 Answer
03/10/2021 11:28 am

Correct answer:(a) (ΔS)V, E > 0, (ΔG)T, P < 0
For spontaneous reaction, dS > 0 and ΔG and ΔG should be negative i.e. < 0.
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