Consider the following reactions A → P1 ; B → P2 ; C → P3 ; D → P4, The order of the above reactions are a, b, c and d, respectively.
20/09/2020 6:38 pm
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Consider the following reactions
A → P1 ; B → P2 ; C → P3 ; D → P4,
The order of the above reactions are a, b, c and d, respectively. The following graph is obtained when log[rate] vs.log[conc.] are plotted :
Among the following, the correct sequence for the order of the reactions is :
(1) d > b > a > c
(2) a > b > c > d
(3) c > a > b > d
(4) d > a > b > c
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1 Answer
20/09/2020 6:40 pm
(1) d > b > a > c
Rate = K[Conc]order
logRate = log K + order log[conc]
so slope of graph is order of reaction.
greater the slope greater is order of reaction
so order of reaction => “A < B < C < D”
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