[Solved] The slope of Arrhenius Plot (Ink v/s 1/T) of first order reaction is -5 x 10^3K. The value of Ea of the reaction is. Choose the correct option for your answer.
22/09/2021 2:25 pm
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The slope of Arrhenius Plot (Ink v/s 1/T) of first order reaction is -5 x 103K. The value of Ea of the reaction is. Choose the correct option for your answer.
[Given R = 8.314 JK–1 mol–1]
(1) 41.5 kJ mol–1
(2) 83.0 kJ mol–1
(3) 166 kJ mol–1
(4) –83 kJ mol–1
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1 Answer
22/09/2021 2:31 pm

Correct answer: (1) 41.5 kJ mol–1
ℓnK = ℓnA - \(\frac{Ea}{R}\)(\(\frac{1}{T}\))
In ℓnK v/s \(\frac{1}{T}\)graph
Slope = -\(\frac{Ea}{R}\)
-5 x 103 =\(\frac{-Ea}{8.314}\)
Ea = 5 x 103 x 8.314
= 41500 Jmol–1 or 41.5 kJ mol–1
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