
Pescud describes Je...
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Pescud describes Jessie as ‘Nothing spectacular, you know, but just the sort you want for keeps’. Why did Pescud want Jessie ‘for keeps’ in the lesson ‘Best Seller’?

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Pescud describes Jessie as ‘Nothing spectacular, you know, but just the sort you want for keeps’. Why did Pescud want Jessie ‘for keeps’ in the lesson ‘Best Seller’?

1 Answer

There are certain things and persons you want to keep for ever. When Pescud met Jessie in a train, he was at once impressed by her beauty, simplicity and elegance. He was so mesmerized that he began to follow her to know where she lived. He wanted to marry her, even though she was a complete stranger to him. He met her father and convinced him of his sincerity. He told the girl’s father that he followed her only because he wanted to marry her. His honesty and sincerity moved him and he allowed the marriage to take place. Thus, Pescud was able to keep the girl he desired for ever as his wife.


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